Friday 27 November 2015

How has my Research Impacted my Planning?

Genre conventions

On my blog I have successfully shown that I have researched the conventions of both the horror and thriller genre in a high level of detail. This research has helped me to identify what codes and conventions I want to use in my own trailer. Below I have listed some of the main ones that I aim to use in my trailer to ensure the genre is clear to the audience. 
  • A variety of different camera angles 
  • Fast paced editing 
  • Isolated location 
  • Low lighting
  • Tense non-diegetic music

Narrative Theories

From researching different narrative theories I have come to the conclusion that I want to include 2 of them in my own film trailer. I think the one's that will fit into my storyline the best are:
  • Vladimir Propp - I think that this theory will fit into the storyline of my trailer as Hael could be considered the hero character and Kida the villain
  • Binary Opposites - Levi Strauss' theory of binary opposites will fit into my storyline as Kida is the stereotypically evil character whereas in contrast to this Hael is a good character

Camera Angles

By analysing a variety of different thriller film trailers I have identified the key camera shots and angles that have been frequently used. Below is a list of camera angles that I have decided to try and include in my own trailer as I think they are the most effective. 

  • Extreme close up 
  • Close up 
  • Medium shot
  • Over the shoulder shot
  • Ariel shot
  • Establishing shot of secluded location


My previous research into what promotional material accompanies a film trailer release helped me decided to create some of my own. I have created a billboard for my film Lazarus. I have also made a Twitter and Facebook account to post updates about the progress of my film trailer through different media technologies. Seeing how successful these methods were for film promotion inspired me to use this as a part of my final media production.

Friday 20 November 2015

Screenshots of Filming

Below are some screenshots of what I have filmed so far:

I think this bit of filming was successful because it shows the full body of Michael and also the gravestone in the background. I think the fact that the sun is starting to go down and the sky is a pinky colour makes this shot more effective. I also think this is a good angle because it gives the impression that Michael is just a silhouette which reflects his personality well.

I think that this was a successful shot because it frames the church and graveyard nicely behind the characters in the foreground, this means that the setting of this scene is very clear to the audience. I think the fact that it is a long shot makes it even more successful, this is because the body language of each character is effectively portrayed. For example; it is clear that Michael is tired as his hands are in his pockets and he has his shoulders back, I feel like this suggests he doesn't care about Kida much any more despite the fact that his facial expression suggests he is still angry. On the other hand Kida seems far more relaxed with the situation, showing that she isn't bothered about what's happening or the feelings her father has towards her.

This medium shot shows the same scene as the long shot above but is portrayed in a higher level of detail. I feel that this may be more effective as it focuses more on the facial expressions of the characters. I also like this as it has a slight upward angle which makes Michael look more intimidating. I think that this is especially good as the dialogue is threatening and backs up the idea of him being more powerful than Kida

I believe that this extreme close up of Michael's hands is very successful because of the level of detail and intimacy that it portrays. The angle is effective because it allows the viewer to mainly focus on the ring instead of his hands. I also like the lighting that I have used for this shot, the dark colours in the background ensure that his arms and hands stand out and are clearly in the foreground. I used a bright white camping light outside of the shot as well in order to light his wrists and the ring more, this allowed them to be seen more clearly on the camera

I think that this shot of St Bernards Hopsital is successful because it has a slight upwards angle that makes it seem intimating. I also like the way that I have framed it, because the building is slightly to the right of the frame with the van on the left hand side. This allows the whole building to be fit into one shot and effectively shows the environment it is based in

I think that this other long shot of St Bernards Hospital is successful because it shows the gates closing. I feel like this is effective because it gives the representation of a prison which is effectively where Kida gets sent as a child for violent behaviour.

I like the downward camera angle that I have used here because I feel that it makes the shot look creepy and eerie. I also think the fact that it is only focused on the chain makes it more effective and interesting

Thursday 19 November 2015

Review of the Horror and Thriller Genres

Request Letter to Chalfont St Giles Church

Dear Reverend Brown,

I am an A-level Media Studies student at The Misbourne School. For my coursework I am required to film a thriller film trailer. One of the locations that I would like to use is a church and graveyard. I was wondering if I would possibly be able to use Chalfont St Giles Parish Church for this purpose. I am more than willing to be as flexible as possible and to carry out the filming outside of service times, therefore there would be no inconvenience to you. 

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Thanking you for your assistance in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Holly McCammond

Locations Moodboard

I created my Locations Moodboard on the website This was fairly easy to use, however it wouldn't let me export it as an image. Therefore I improvised and print screened it, put it into a word document, cropped it and saved it as an image. The moodboard shows different locations that I have already used and also plan to use. 

Music Options

These are some of the soundtracks I have found for my trailer, I need to make sure that I choose the most appropriate one as I will only have a little bit of dialogue in it. 

I am considering this bit of music because I feel that it would create the tense atmosphere I am aiming for. It is also an instrumental piece which means that it will be easier to hear the dialogue in my trailer. Although this is a good bit of music I feel like it may be too overwhelming for my trailer.

I am also thinking about using this piece of music as, like the first one it is also instrumental. The main reason I like this one though is because I find it still creates tension but isn't as heavy as the first option.

I am considering this as music to use in my trailer because I think it is different from the other options I have chosen. Unlike the first 2 choices this one does feature singing. Although this might not be ideal for dialogue it is possible to edit it so it dips when my characters talk. Even though this is a good option, I do not think it will be my final choice because I feel it wouldn't create the tension I am aiming for.

I thought about using this piece of music for my trailer as I like the idea of using a classic, popular song. The fact that it is slow might make my trailer sound creepy and tense which is what I am aiming for. Despite this I still don't think that it will be my final choice, purely because the pace doesn't quicken at all throughout the song. Because of this I don't think it will fit in with the thriller genre.

This is my final option for my trailer music. This is my favourite because I think it has all of the things I am looking for. The song starts off slow and creepy which will create tension at the beginning of my trailer. Later into the music though the pace does quicken slightly which means that I will be able to successfully heighten the fear, intensity and creepiness that the audience will experience. Overall I think this is most likely to be the song that I use in my own trailer.

Costumes, Make-up and Hair Styles Moodboard

I used a website called go to create a moodboard showing different ideas for my characters costumes, make-up and hair styles. The application is very easy to use and gives a good professional looking finish.

Character costumes, make up and hair styles moodboard

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Social Media Accounts for Film Trailer

I have created a Twitter and Facebook account for my Film Trailer as Social Media has become a huge distributor for promotional material. 

Facebook Page

Twitter Page

Trailer Planning Including Characters, Locations, Costumes and Shotlist


In my film trailer I have decided not to have a lot of dialogue. However here are some ideas for conversations I would like to include.

Graveyard Scene 

*Kida enters from the left*
Michael: "You wanna know what I think? I think it should be you in there... not her"
*Michael exits right*

Bar Scene

*Hael enters and sits next to Michael*
Hael: "It wasn't an accident was it?"
Michael: "No"

Coffee Shop Scene

*Michael sits down with drinks*
Hael: "There's nothing here" 

Friday 13 November 2015


This is the Storyboard I have put together for my film trailer. Although when creating the trailer I may adjust the order slightly. This is because I may realise that some things don't necessarily work or I could come up with an even better idea. This Storyboard therefore is a rough idea of what shots will be shown throughout my trailer.

Expansion on shots being used:

2 - In this particular scene I will be using a variety of different shots including, a close up of Michaels face, an extreme close up of his hands when he opens the gate, and a medium shot to show both his expression and movement together. 

3 - For this part of the trailer I will again be experimenting with some different shots and angles, including; a long shot to show the actors full body playing, medium shot to show this in a little bit more detail, and finally a close up of the swings as I feel this will create an eerie and creepy atmosphere. 

4 - In this scene I will only be using a long shot in order to establish the setting. I feel that this would be the most effective one to use as it will show the full environment. However I will be using a slight upward angle in order to make it seem more intimidating. 

6 - For this shot I will be using an extreme close up as I feel like this will be the most effective way of showing Michael fiddling with his wedding ring in his hands. I might also use a medium shot so that I can also capture the characters emotions whilst he is doing this. I will be using both a front and side angle in order to show it from different perspectives and make it more interesting.

7 - For this part I will mainly be using an over the shoulder shot so that Kida is shown in the reflection of the bathroom mirror. Other than this though, I will also be using a close up to show the mark and a medium shot to show her emotions when looking at it. 

8 - In this scene I will be using over the shoulder shots so that I can show the conversation between Michael and Hael. I will also be using a medium shot to show both of them sitting at the table in the cafe. I may also use close up's of the characters faces to show their emotions when they are conversing. 

10 - For this I will be using a long shot to show the setting of the bar. I also aim to include an extreme close up of the glass in Michaels hand.  I will also be using an over the shoulder shot with a downward angle to show him holding the glass. 

11 - For this I want to use either a long or medium shot to show Kida walking up the the bar where Michael is sitting. I would also like to use multiple over the shoulder shots to present their conversation about mothers death.

12 - For this I am planning to have a close up of bath water running. As I am planning to show Hael in the bath having a memory of drowning as a child I want to use an ariel shot to show her sitting up in panic. I will also use an extreme close up of her facial expression and medium shot of her sitting in the bath calming down, breathing deeply. 

13 - For the grave scene I will be using a medium and long shot. All of these different shots all have a slight upward angle to make Michael look bigger and more intimidating compared to Kida. 

15 - When Hael is tied up in the garage I plan on using a medium shot with a downward angle in order to make her look small and vulnerable. I would like to try having an extreme close up of her panicked expression but also of her hands trying to escape. I am also going to use a long shot with an upward angle to show Kida in a position of power. 

16 - I will be using an extreme close up of Kida holding a bloody knife. I want to shot to be a downward angle from side on so that the edge of the blade is really clear. 

17 - I want to show a close up of Kida with Hael boyfriend. I am aiming to have both of their faces in the frame showing them looking at each other deeply and passionately. 

19 - Extreme close up of Kida's hand with pills in her palm. It will then pan across a bedside table and a variety of objects including; pill bottle, alcohol, knife, books, lamp etc. 

Thursday 5 November 2015

Narrative Theories in my Film/Trailer

Narrative Theories
Levi Strauss - Binary Opposites

 My two main characters are binary opposites as I have portrayed Hael to be the stereotypical good character and in opposition to this Kida is the evil character.
Even the names that I have chosen for my characters suggest this. Kida literally means rising from darkness suggesting her struggle to escape her intrinsically evil personality. In contrast to this the name Hael originated from the Hebrew name and means Angel of Kindness. Although Hael was originally a male name it has recently become used as a unisex name.
I decided to use these names as I feel that they reflect the characters perfectly and give hints to their complex identities. I also chose to spell Hael differently as I think that it made it more interesting and creative suggesting that she also has more depth to her than will be shown in the trailer.

Todorov’s Theory

This theory states that most story’s or plot lines follow the same pattern or path. There are 5 steps to this pattern and looking at my storyline it does adhere to the theory.
The first stage is equilibrium which is when the first part of the story will display a happy start. My films storyline follows this stage as it starts out with the birth of Kida and Hael and sees them growing up happily and normally.
The second stage is a disruption, this shows something in the story that will disrupt the equilibrium. In the case of my films plot this is when Kida escapes and sees her sister and father again as it causes a major chain of events to unfold.
Stage 3 of this theory is realisation. This is the moment in the plot when the characters finally recognise the problem and it is chaos. This happens in my story when Hael and Michael find out that Kida has the Mark of Cain. They realise the danger that comes with it and it therefore creates anarchy.
The fourth stage is restored order. This is the part of the plot when the characters attempt to repair the damage and restore the equilibrium. In my film this would be when Hael and Michael are trying to find a cure for the Mark of Cain. They search for ways to remove it or to stop its power.
The final stage of this theory is, equilibrium again. This is the last part of the plot where the problem has been resolved. Although this is not directly shown in my storyline, the problem is removed when Kida takes her own life. I wouldn’t say equilibrium is restored as her death causes a lot of pain for the other character Hael.

Propp’s Theory

He argued that whatever the surface difference between stories they all share the same internal structure. He said that characters could be grouped into 8 different character roles, these include;
  • The Villain
  • The Hero
  • The Donor – provides object with magical ability
  • The Helper – who aids the hero
  • The Princess – the reward for hero
  • Her Father – who rewards the hero
  • The Dispatcher – who sends the hero on his way
  • The False Hero
My thriller trailer doesn’t include all 8 of these, however it does have 3 of them which are; The Villain (Kida), The Hero (Hael) and The Helper (Michael).

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Narrative for my Film

Rough Description of the Whole Films Storyline (only sections will be used for the trailer):

  • Two children have been born roughly less than a year apart, sisters called Kida and Hael. 
  • When Kida was born they noticed a birthmark on her arm but thought nothing of it. 
  • The two girls grow up relatively normally, however Kida is occasionally violent towards Hael causing their parents to worry that it isn't normal behaviour. 
  • Eventually at around the age of 6 Kida gets taken away to a children's facility in St Bernard's Hospital, Southall, for violent behaviour and vicious mood swings. The two main events that make this transpire is the fact that she tried to drown Hael in the bath and her mothers "accidental" death.
  • Hael then grows up normally without Kida.
  • When they reach age 18 Kida tracks down Hael and says that she has been released even though she actually escaped from the facility.
  • They meet up and get to know each other, make up for some of their lost childhood together. 
  • Hael finds out from her father Michael that their mothers death wasn't an accident, Kida actually pushed her down the stairs when she was a child. 
  • It is then shown that Kida's birthmark has developed into some kind of symbol, which turns out to be the Mark of Cain.
  • Her father and sister find out that this is the case and discover it appeared straight after she got sent away to St Bernard's and after their mother died. (when she committed a sin)
  • As Hael and Michael have appeared back into Kida's life it causes the mark to make her violent behaviour worsen.
  • Her dad and sister search wildly for a cure to the curse, they find out they can't physically hurt her either themselves as "therefore whoever kills Cain, vengeance will be taken on him sevenfold". 
  • As this happens Kida's anger from the mark is directed upon Hael and Michael. 
  • In hopes of hurting Hael she has an affair with her long term boyfriend Dean.
  • The Mark of Cain takes full possession of her and she ends up killing her father and kidnapping Hael. 
  • Due to the sisterly bond that they had as a child she doesn't kill her but instead forces her to relive their childhood and tortures her. 
  • Eventually Hael manages to escape and call the police.
  • By the time they track Kida down however she already taken her own life in order to put a stop to the curse, she can't cope with hurting the people she loves any more. 


This includes locations I have already filmed  in and also locations I plan to film in;
  • Tintagel 
  • Port Isaac
  • Thame Park
  • Great Missenden Park 
  • Great Missenden Costa 
  • Great Missenden Woods
  • Chalfont St Giles Church and Graveyard
  • Holly Bidgood's House 
  • My Garage 
  • My House


  • Dolls
  • Flowers
  • Old Scout Knife 
  • Glass Pill Bottle 
  • Alcohol Bottles 
  • Baby/children photos


  • Black/Grey Suit - For the Dad to wear at the Graveyard/Church
  • All Black, Casual Clothes, Hoodie? - Kida
  • Casual Clothes - Hael
  • Dark Coloured Dress - Hael at the Church


  • Dad/Michael (Tim)
  • Kida (Ella) 
  • Hael (Alesi)
  • Younger Kida (Poppy or Lottie)
  • Younger Hael (Poppy or Lottie) 
  • Haels boyfriend/Dean

Survey Monkey Questionnaire

Focus Group

Here is the focus group I carried out to find out what my target audience want to see in a Thriller trailer. This was a very useful thing to do because it allowed me to see what features would be the most well received by my viewers. Completing my focus group has made me decide whether I'm going to have the stereotypical characters, whether I want the storyline to be conventional or not, what Thriller films I should take influence from, whether my trailer should reveal a little bit or a lot of the film and where I should put the name of the distributor in terms of beginning, middle or end. I chose these particular questions because I felt that they would give me good answers that I can take into consideration when planning my own trailer.

Promotional Material that Accompanies the Release of a Film

Powered by emaze

Film Institutions and Distributors


Tuesday 20 October 2015

Thriller Trailer Analysis 3 - Disturbia


Powtoon was a video presentation software for me to use, it was an easy programme to operate and produced good results. However one major downside is that the video plays too quickly and you have to pause it to be able to read all of the information.

Thriller Trailer Analysis 2 - Identity

Film Overview

  • The film focuses on ten strangers that get stuck at a motel during a storm, they become acquainted with each other once they realise that they are being killed off one by one.


  • There are many things which hints towards the genre of the film during the Identity trailer. 
  • The first one which is apparent to the audience is the setting the events take place in. It shows a motel in the middle of nowhere and it appears to be very creepy, cut off and isolated from the rest of civilisation. 
  • The weather also emphasises this chosen setting as it is heavily raining and stormy. The fact that there is a large storm reinforces the idea that these strangers are isolated as all the roads are blocked from flooding, meaning that there really is no escaping. 
  • The weather also means that it is all set in very low key lighting as well which is one of the conventions of a thriller genre as it creates more tension and suspense.

  • Throughout the trailer non-diegetic repetitive, creepy music is used to create tension and fear. The pitch of this music increases when the events suddenly start to go wrong which means the fear is heightened. 
  • Other sounds are also used to reinforce the thriller genre, for example screams and shouts are used without explanation to cause confusion and mystery, especially as it encourages the audience to question why this is happening. 
  • A large variety of close ups and medium close ups of the characters are used to express their emotions and show the tension, pain and confusion that they are experiencing.

  • The final thing which helps highlight the genre is the editing. The trailer frequently uses fast paced cutting in order to fit a lot of the action of the film in without leaving it on screen too long to spoil anything. This also helps to encourage people to see the film as they can see a variety of things that happen and then they can make a decision as to whether they would want to see it. 
  • The use of fading and blurring also does this as it causes confusion and mystery amongst the viewers.


  • The events shown in the trailer are not in the films chronological order, however the clever use of editing allows it to appear in a linear order as it sets out the storyline in an effective structure and gives the audience an idea what the film will be about. 
  • From the trailer the viewer can tell that it will be about strangers who get stranded at a motel together as the roads are all flooded and someone is trying to kill them off and strange things keep occurring, for example the dead bodies disappearing. 
  • At the beginning of the trailer one of the characters is telling the story and says "There was a storm" suggesting that these events took place in the past, which reveals that it is in fact not in chronological order. 
  • A commentary is also shown on screen throughout the trailer to help tell the story and plant more questions in the viewers mind. This reinforces the idea of the story being told through the characters speech. 


  • The first character that we see is the one that is telling the story in past tense, this could suggest that he is being represented as the only survivor as it is clear he is the only one shown after the events have taken place. 
  • The fact that the survivor is a man is very stereotypical as they are usually represented as the heroes or the stronger gender. 
  • The woman that has been in an accident is being represented as vulnerable as she has been badly injured, the man carrying her is being shown as strong and brave because he's looking after her and trying to save her. This could link to Propps theory as he is being portrayed as the stereotypical hero. 

  • The next woman that is shown, in the red jacket is also being portrayed as vulnerable and dependent as her car has broken down and she is relying on a man for help. This could also be related back to Propps theory as she is the stereotypical damsel in distress. 

  • The officer is of a large build and is represented as quite strong, independent and masculine the first time the audience see's him. 

  • In comparison to this, the woman who refuses to stay at the motel appears to be snobby, rich and arrogant, which is also one of the stereotypical characters that you see in horror and thriller genre films. 

  • The first person we see get killed in the trailer happens to be a woman which is very stereotypical in a film like this as compared to the men in these films they come across as weak, dependent and pathetic. 

Thriller Trailer Analysis 1 - Horns

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Keywords and Significant People in Movie Trailer History

Nils Granlund 

  • Nils T. Granlund was born in Sweden in 1882
  • Married to Rose Wenzel 
  • He was a Swedish American Broadway show producer, radio industry pioneer and Actor 
  • Was best known for Rhythm Parade, Beauty on Broadway and Take it Big 
  • He is important in the history of the movie trailer as he produced the first ever promotional film for the Broadway show Pleasure Seekers
  • This featured actual rehearsal footage
  • He died on April 21, 1957 in Las Vegas, USA. 

William Nicholas Selig

  • Col William Selig was born in Chicago, USA in 1864
  • He was a pioneer of the American motion picture industry 
  • He was responsible for a lot of firsts including; the first American movie serial with a cliffhanger ending
  • The print serial "The Adventures of Kathleen" was adapted by him into a film version - however it was the second print serial to be made
  • Every week the story would continue in the Chicago Tribune.
  • William Selig died on July 15, 1948. 

Alfred Hitchcock

  • Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born in Essex, England on August 13, 1899
  • He was an English film director and producer 
  • Often nicknamed the "Master of Suspense"
  • Was named the most influential film maker of all time
  • He moved to Hollywood in 1939 and became a US citizen in 1955
  • His career spanned 6 decades and included more than 50 feature films that he directed 
  • Stylistic trademarks included the use of camera movement to give the impression of the point of view of a person's gaze
  • Alfred framed shots to maximise their anxiety, fear and suspense potential 
  • Used innovative forms of editing for the time
  • Most of the films he created include plot twist endings and exciting plots featuring murder and various forms of violence
  • Alfred Hitchcock became an incredibly well known public figure through large amounts of interviews, movie trailers, cameo appearances in his own films and 10 years presenting his television series "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" 
  • In 1960 he directed "Psycho" and the trailer turned out to be a 6 and 1/2 minute tour of the house and motel from Alfred Hitchcock himself
  • Alfred Hitchcock died on April 29, 1980 in California, USA.

Stanley Kubrick

  • Stanley Kubrick was born in New York on July 26, 1928
  • He was an American film director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer, editor and photographer
  • Kubrick's films are considered to be some of the most important contributions to world cinema in the twentieth century 
  • Also said to be one of the best and most influential directors of all time
  • Most of his films are adaptation's of novels or short stories
  • In his time he covered a wide variety of different genres, all of which are largely credited for their unique cinematography, set design, attention to detail, realism, dark humour and suggestive use of music
  • All that Stanley knew about film production and directing was self taught after he graduated form high school 
  • He moved to the UK in 1961, where he spent the remainder of his career
  • The first two British films he made were with Peter Sellers - Lolita and Dr. Strangelove
  • As Stanley was a very demanding perfectionist he took on most aspects of the film making process including; directing, writing and even editing
  • He always took extra care with researching the film, scene set up and camera work
  • Working incredibly closely with the actors behind the scenes he became infamous for demanding several retakes of the same scene which largely resulted in conflict between him and other people on set
  • His films broke new ground with cinematography, especially his 2001 film "A Space Odyssey" 
  • This was a science fiction film that won an Oscar - Academy Award for Visual Effects
  • In his adaptation of the novel "The Shining" he was the first director to use a steadicam for stable tracking shots
  • Stanley Kubrick died on March 7, 1999 in St Albans.

Don LaFontaine

  • Donald Leroy LaFontaine is an American voice actor born on August 26, 1940 in Minesota, USA
  • In his time as a voice actor, he recorded around 5,000 film trailers and thousands of television adverts, video game trailers and network promotions
  • His phrase became "In a world..." which has been used in multiple movie trailers - so much so that it has become a cliché in the industry
  • He had a wide variety of nicknames, the most popular one's included; "Thunder Throat" and "The Voice of God"
  • He claimed that he was able to do around 80 voice acting jobs in a day
  • When he was alive, he was in the voice acting career for 40 years
  • His voice suddenly cracked mid sentence when he was 13 years old - he was very self concious of this until his classmates at school would pay him to call the school and pretend to be their dad's to call in sick on their behalf 
  • His first professional voice work came when he was working on "The Gunfighters of Casa Grande"  - he filled in for a voice actor in a radio promo
  • After school he went to the army and learned about recording engineering
  • The first promo that he engineered was "Dr. Strangelove"
  • He died on September 1, 2008 in Los Angeles, California, USA.


  • Serials can either be print or non-print publications. They are issued in parts, usually bearing issue numbers and/or dates. A serial is typically expected to continue indefinitely.

The Chicago Tribune

  • The Chicago Tribune was a major daily newspaper based in Chicago, Illinois, United States
  • It is owned by the Tribune Publishing Company and was founded in 1847
  • Formerly self-styled as the "World's Greatest Newspaper" it still remains the most read-daily newspaper of the Chicago Metropolitan area and the Great Lakes region
  • Furthermore it is currently the 8th largest newspaper in the United States in terms of circulation
  • The newspaper was originally published as a broadsheet, however on January 13, 2009 the Tribune announced that it would continue publishing as a broadsheet for home delivery, but would publish in tabloid format for newsstands, news box's and commuter station sales
  • By August 2011 this change proved to be unpopular with it's readers and they decided to discontinue the tabloid edition, returning to it's traditional format through all methods of distribution
  • One of the main noticeable features of the Tribune is the fact that the masthead displays the American flag, in conjunction with the paper's motto; "An American Paper for Americans"
  • However this is no longer displayed on the masthead, where it once was below the flag.


  • A cliffhanger is a dramatic and exciting ending to an episode of a serial, leaving the audience in suspense and anxious not to miss the next episode scheduled to air.


  • Distribution includes the action of sharing something out amongst a large number of recipients 
  • In terms of media it might include digital distribution which is the delivery of media content such as audio, video, software and video games.


  • A media institution is a organisation or company that is either publicly or privately owned and produces or distributes media products.
National Screen Service (NSS)
  • The National Screen Service (NSS) was a company that was formed in 1920 to produce and distribute movie trailers on behalf of movie studios 
  • Around the 1940's the NSS signed exclusive contracts with all major movie studios to produce and distribute posters and other paper advertising materials
  • With the 1970's came the development of multiplexes meaning that the amount of advertising space available for a given movie dropped
  • This largely reduce the need for a separate organisation to control poster distribution and movie studios took back these responsibilities and as a result the NSS shrank
  • Around this time they also faced a large amount of competition from other producers such as; Fimack and Pike Productions
  • Ultimately in September 2000 the Nation Screen Service was bought out by Technicolor Inc.
  • A multiplex cinema is a movie theatre that has numerous screens within a single complex, or specific and specially designed building
  • Multiplexes were introduced in 1970 and allowed movie theatre's to provide entertainment on a larger scale. 
Wide Release
  • Wide release is a term used to describe a motion picture that is playing nationally as opposed to only showing in a few cinema's in major cities such as New York and Los Angeles
  • In America it is considered a wide release when it is showing in 600 or more theatre's
  • In 1975, Jaws was the first successful film to have a wide release - It opened in 464 theatres in June 25, 1975 and expanded to 675 a month later.


The History of the Film Trailer

Pixels trailer with "We Will Rock You" 

Mission Impossible trailer with "Whole Lotta Love"

Sources of Information:

Purpose of a Film Trailer

A trailer is used to promote a film to it's audience before it is released in the cinema, they will usually consist of a series of different shots and dialogue. If a film trailer is successful it will attract the target audience and cause excitement, encouraging them to see it once it comes out. The trailer will most likely show glimpses of the most funny, thrilling and noteworthy moments of the film, without revealing any spoilers. When trailers are produced and released, the creators hope to draw people in so they can make as much money as possible from viewings once it is in the cinema. 




Sunday 28 June 2015

Horror Film Poster Analysis 1

How I Will Achieve My Target Grade

How can independent learning help me in A2?

Independent Study means finding out the information needed by yourself before seeking help and direction from a teacher. Being an independent worker may also mean completing the task in your own time either at school during free periods or at home. 

After I compared the mark scheme with the A2 introduction text I know that I will need to plan and construct my work which I will do by carrying out extra research independently which will enable me to construct a media product that is appropriate to my technical and creativity skills. To represent my technical skills I will need to present my work on a variety of different technologies, I will do this through the use of my blog as it will allow me to effectively communicate my research. I will show my ability to undertake, apply and present this appropriate research through the use of different technologies such as; Prezi, Audio, Video and Slideshare. 

To reach my target grade of a B I need to ensure that:

  • Planning and research evidence will be complete - To make sure that the evidence of my research is complete and posted on my blog I will need to ensure that I am organised and don't get behind with the tasks I have been set. 
  • There is proficient research into similar products and potential target audience - to do this I will look at other work from previous A2 media studies students which will allow me to make comparisons and use various positive aspects of their work in my own.
  • There is proficient organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props - To make sure that I am organised in the planning of these things I will frequently brainstorm all of my different ideas and post the evidence of this on my blog.
  • There is proficient work on shortlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding - To do this I will need to make sure that I use my time effectively to plan. Using storyboards will enable me to know exactly what is happening in my video which will make my filming process more efficient as there will be no time wasted. 
  • There is a good level of care in the presentation of the research and planning - To do this I will make sure that I use a variety of different technologies to present my research and planning. For example though the use of Audio, Video or presentation softwares such as Slideshare or Prezi. 
  • Time management is good - To do this I will need to make sure that I work independently in my own free time to keep up with the tasks that have been set in the lessons. I will need to have good organisational skills to ensure that everything is completed for it's deadline. 

Jaws Opening Scene - Conventions Used

In the opening scene from the 1975 film 'Jaws' a wide variety of different codes and conventions of Horror films are used. The first one that the audience see's is the two characters seperating from the rest of the group and going to a secluded location on the beach which hints that something is likely to happen to them. As is shown a character dies within the first 5 minutes of the film which is a very common convention that is used in almost every single horror film to set the atmosphere. Similar to the phone lines being cut the victim in the scene is shouting and screaming however is not being heard as the other guy on the beach is out of ear shot. We also see the victim cowering trying to get away from the threat in the sea however it breaks through the surface of the water and drags her under. In this scene the audience also witnesses a warning that goes unheeded as someone tells her not to go into the sea however she doesn't listen and proceeds anyway.

Codes and Conventions of Horror Films


Secluded location

In horror movies the audience tends to see the characters placed in a location where there is no one around to help them. For example; the woods, a ghost town, an abandoned amusement park or a house placed in the middle of nowhere. 

Characters forget about the threat

In a horror film there is always a threat of death, danger a curse or worse however the characters at some point tend to conveniently put this out of their mind. For example someone may have just been killed yet they will go on as normal and go to a party of play scrabble. 

Power is cut

Usually at the scariest moment possible in the film the power is cut and the lights will suddenly go out. This is most likely to happen before something scary occurs and it will help to increase the fear that the audience and the character feels. 

Phone lines are cut 

At some point during a Horror film the killer will most likely cut the phone lines to stop the victim from calling the police or anyone else for help. In some cases they will even cut their own phone lines to stop contact. (Misery) In more recent Horror films it also included mobile phone batteries dying or mobile phones being destroyed or not having signal due to the secluded location. 

Someone investigates a strange noise

Someone investigating a strange noise is the most used convention in Horror films. This usually occurs multiple times throughout the film becoming more unbelievable as it progresses. It seems unlikely that you would go and investigate a strange noise in a secluded location with the knowledge that people have been dying sporadically. 

Victim Cowers

There will come a point in a horror film where a character will be seen cowering either in front of a door, wall or window which the killer will the conveniently break through and grab them. If this doesn't happen then the victim will most likely look out the window or turn away and see nothing but when they turn back the killer appears. When the victim is cowering in a corner it usually alerts the audience that something like this will happen any minute. 

Victim falls over

Sometimes the victim in the film will inexplicably fall over nothing meaning that the killer can opportunely catch up with them and either kill them or get closer increasing the tension that the  audience will feel.

Vehicle won't start 

A vehicle that before the killer showed up worked perfectly will suddenly not start meaning that the victims only escape from a secluded location is unavailable which increases the inevitability that they will die. This can happen with any vehicle including; cars, motorbikes or snowmobiles depending on the setting of the film 

The fake scare

The fake scare is the oldest and most common convention used in a Horror film. Any scare in the film that is not related to the actual threat is considered a fake scare. This includes anything such as; a friend jumps out, a door slams, the phone rings, something falls, someone is tapped on the shoulder or grabbed or a bird fly's out of a tree.

Warning goes unheeded 

There is always a point when someone warms another character to not do something but they do it anyway. They could warn them not to because of many different reasons including things such as; they had a dream/vision, there is a rumour about the place/object or the place looks dark and secluded. 

Someone is killed in the first 5 minutes

This happens in every single Horror film as it is used to set the mood for the rest of the film and it can be very effective. 


A2 Media Definitions


Typography is the art and method of arranging type to make written language readable and interesting. It involves the style and appearance of printed matter. The arrangement of this type might also involve selecting typefaces, point size, line length and line spacing. 


A tag line is a catchphrase or slogan usually used in advertising. For example: Alien uses the short phrase "In space no one can hear you scream" on their posters as a form of advertisement. Another example is "Be afraid, be very afraid" from the film The Fly. This tag line is featured almost all of the time on the posters for the movie. 



Codes are systems of signs that are put together in some kind of sequence to create a meaning. There are a variety of different kinds of codes that can be used including; technical codes, verbal/written codes and symbolic codes. 


Technical codes are all the ways in which the equipment is used to tell the story in a media text. In film there are technical codes in the use of camera, lighting, editing and sound whereas in print media it is in the use of photography, fonts and lettering styles. 

Source = underlined link in print screen image.


This involves anything that is linked to language. For example; headlines, captions, speech bubbles or even the language style.


This shows what is beneath the surface of what the audience see's. For example the meaning behind; objects, setting, body language, clothing and colour. 


Conventions are generally accepted ways of doing a certain thing. Audiences accept these things and become familiar with the mainly through repeated experiences. Conventions in film are usually genre specific, for example there are certain conventions that horror films follow to comply with the accepted ways of their viewers. 


This is used within film to help describe the visual language and genre. In certain genres we expect to see certain features. For example in Horror films the audience expect to see young girls, 'normal' objects, and the use of light and dark. These genre indicators are the iconography of the mise-en-scene or genre. 


Levi Strauss was a French anthropologist who lived in the early 1900's. He believed that we understand certain words not from the meaning themselves but more by our understanding of the difference between the word and its opposite. He called this theory 'Binary Opposites'.  For example our understanding of the word 'villain' comes from the difference between that word and the opposing word 'hero'. Binary Opposites are used very frequently within films, especially the Horror genre. Many Horror films include sets of Binary Opposites such as; good and evil, sane and insane or human and supernatural. Binary Opposites used to be very simple to spot as it was usually just the difference between good and evil however in recent films spotting the Binary Opposite sets have become a lot more complex.