Sunday 28 June 2015

How I Will Achieve My Target Grade

How can independent learning help me in A2?

Independent Study means finding out the information needed by yourself before seeking help and direction from a teacher. Being an independent worker may also mean completing the task in your own time either at school during free periods or at home. 

After I compared the mark scheme with the A2 introduction text I know that I will need to plan and construct my work which I will do by carrying out extra research independently which will enable me to construct a media product that is appropriate to my technical and creativity skills. To represent my technical skills I will need to present my work on a variety of different technologies, I will do this through the use of my blog as it will allow me to effectively communicate my research. I will show my ability to undertake, apply and present this appropriate research through the use of different technologies such as; Prezi, Audio, Video and Slideshare. 

To reach my target grade of a B I need to ensure that:

  • Planning and research evidence will be complete - To make sure that the evidence of my research is complete and posted on my blog I will need to ensure that I am organised and don't get behind with the tasks I have been set. 
  • There is proficient research into similar products and potential target audience - to do this I will look at other work from previous A2 media studies students which will allow me to make comparisons and use various positive aspects of their work in my own.
  • There is proficient organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props - To make sure that I am organised in the planning of these things I will frequently brainstorm all of my different ideas and post the evidence of this on my blog.
  • There is proficient work on shortlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding - To do this I will need to make sure that I use my time effectively to plan. Using storyboards will enable me to know exactly what is happening in my video which will make my filming process more efficient as there will be no time wasted. 
  • There is a good level of care in the presentation of the research and planning - To do this I will make sure that I use a variety of different technologies to present my research and planning. For example though the use of Audio, Video or presentation softwares such as Slideshare or Prezi. 
  • Time management is good - To do this I will need to make sure that I work independently in my own free time to keep up with the tasks that have been set in the lessons. I will need to have good organisational skills to ensure that everything is completed for it's deadline. 

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